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Jam Shed Shiraz 750ml

For well over a century, the Jam Shed played a crucial role in the development of the region through both jam and wine production. This Shiraz is rich and opulent, with sweet red berry flavours and balanced with a subtle hint of vanilla and spice. It's a seriously delicious red wine, jam packed with flavour.

Jim Barry The Lodge Hill Shiraz 750ml

Vibrant aromatics of purple fruited compote, spice and purple florals on the nose. The palate is dominated by dark fruits and brambles, spice and a hint of warming oak, with a seamless flow and integrated tannin.

Jip Jip Rocks Shiraz 750ml

Lifted spice and ripe mulberry/blackberry aromas are complemented with chocolate, cedar and cinnamon on the nose. Well-integrated oak tannin provides flavours of clove and supple texture, which supports the rich plum, blackberry and mocha. The overall structure is supple and generous with fine-grained tannin and a lingering finish.

Kilikanoon Oracle Shiraz 750ml

With the exception of the 2011 vintage, each year since 1997 we have released the iconic Oracle Shiraz. Crafted from old vine fruit grown along the Golden Hillside in Leasingham, it continues to display the opulence, regional character and varietal power the valley is so renown for.

Killibinbin Sneaky Shiraz 750ml

Take one form and turn it into something greater, something that mesmerise with passionate purpose. The shining Killibinbin is hypnotic and alluring... Thrilling.

La Belle Angèle Syrah 750ml

This wine has a nice dark colour. It exhales delicious scents of blackberry and raspberry enhanced by hints of spices. It is rich, complex and long on the palate.

Langmeil Valley Floor Shiraz 750ml

Rich and lifted aromas of Satsuma plum and mulberry mingle with sweet spice, chocolate and savoury notes. Rich, sweet and spicy fruit in balance with soft, velvety tannins. A complex, meduim-bodied wine showing hints of mocha, choc-mint and vanilla, which flow through to the lengthy, fruity, peppery and spicy finish

Man O' War Dreadnought Syrah 750ml

Dreadnought Syrah is very classical in style, lifted red fruits with a dark edge of graphite and pepper along with savoury stem derived characters make for an intense and interesting aroma profile. The palate is very linear but vibrant carrying good weight and concentration but also a lively streak from the stem inclusion that makes the finish seem fresh and lithe.

Man O' War Kulta Totto Syrah 750ml

A complex aromatic profile with smokey peaty characters with a herbaceous lift from the stem influence along with notes of blue and boysenberry and a nod towards cured meats. The oak is very lightly toasted providing an edge of a lift from the woody oak aromatics. The palate is fresh with a nice linearity from the acidity and the mix of skin, seed, stem and oak tannins.

McGuigan Black Label Shiraz 750ml

A smooth and vibrant Shiraz exhibiting rich aromas of red berries, chocolate, savoury leather and spicy oak notes. The full rounded palate displays generous red berry fruit flavours, soft tannins and a long finish.

McGuigan Estate Shiraz 750ml

This Shiraz is a rich and spicy, full-bodied wine that fills the mouth with blackberries and pepper. Enjoy with roast beef or the Australian classic, a BBQ.

McPherson Wines Jo Nash Shiraz 750ml

Every wine Jo makes has hours of her deliberations, considerations and yes, even palpitations, poured into every bottle on a never-ending hunt for perfection. This wine truly reflects aspects of who JO is - stylish, low key, minimalistic, authentic and of great character, strength and magnetism. Jo Nash Shiraz - Harmoniously balanced with brooding fruits and carefully integrated French oak, this wine offers intense blackberries and plums with a lingering spicy finish.
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