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Taylors Reserve Parcel Shiraz 750ml

Selected for their uniqueness of character and outstanding quality the Reserve Parcel wines represent the finest aspects of each vintage. This Shiraz displays generous fruit flavours of plum and blackberry along with mocha coffee and subtle spice characters from the oak maturation.

Te Mata Bullnose Syrah 750ml

Bullnose is a dark ruby colour with aromas and fl avours of violets, black cherry liqueur and spice, intermingled with notes of prune and raspberry. The rich, full flavoured palate displays velvety, even tannins.

Te Mata Estate Syrah 750ml

This Syrah includes a touch of Viognier, a traditional winemakeing technique in France's Rhone Valley. It introduces a delightful floral aroma and supple texture to Syrah's spicy dark berry flavours.

The Butcher's Cellar Shiraz 750ml

The Butcher's Cellar is a range of wines that will match perfectly with your favourite cuts. Whether it's steak, BBQ ribs or chicken, they've taken the guess work out, and developed the perfect wine that will match all your favourite cuts. Indulge yourself and your guests to a bloody good experience.

The Great Bonza Reserve Shiraz Cabernet Sauvignon 750ml

Intense red with purple hues. Intense youthful fresh ripe berry fruit flavours with some well-integrated vanillin oak. Full bodied wine with dense ripe berry fruit flavours of cherries and black currants balanced with spicy oak having a long and smooth finish. Serve with a red wine casserole or a juicy steak with red onion jam. This wine has the flavour; structure and balance to be enjoyed now or offers added satisfaction from further cellaring.

The Last Shepherd Syrah 750ml

The Last Shepherd Syrah is a bold Hawke's Bay Syrah and a deliciously good story. Floral aromas such as lilac, violet with lifted dark berry notes appear on the nose. On the palate, flavours of boysenberry and plum with well-integrated oak influence come through. With medium weight on the palate, this wine has a hint of pepper and warm spices, rounded out with a soft and velvety finish.

Torbreck Woodcutter's Shiraz 750ml

Dark plum, raspberries, cassis, dark cherry, spice and vanilla on the nose. A medium to full bodied palate with soft tannins and textural mouthfeel.

Two Hands Gnarly Dudes Shiraz 750ml

Saturating palate with aromatic notes of dried flower, black peppercorns & a good dose of Barossa preserved meats.

Wirra Wirra RSW Shiraz 750ml

This magnificent Shiraz is named after Robert Strangeways Wigley, a noted South Australian eccentric and state cricketer who established Wirra Wirra back in 1894. This is a flagship Shiraz that befits McLaren Vale's reputation as a first class producer of this varietal and home to some of the oldest shiraz vines in the world.

Yalumba Paradox Shiraz 750ml

Deep crimson in colour with bright, brambly, berry aromas complemented by notes of cinnamon, black olive and pepper. A vibrant palate with loads of pomegranate and blackberry, it is silky and bright with fine, powdery tannins.

Yalumba Samuel's Collection Shiraz 750ml

A moreish Barossa Shiraz that is approachable, full-bodied and fleshy. Deep and brooding with aromas of dark fruits, red spices, anise and ripe cherries, the palate flows with even texture towards a soft finish.
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