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Akarua Central Otago Rosé 750ml

Akarua Rosé has a Pale Pink with clear hues. Brightly aromatic with cherry blossom, rose petal, perfume, pear, peach, and strawberry. A rich entry with vivid fruits of ripe stone fruit, strawberry, raspberry, nougat, biscuit, and lime. The palate is dry, medium bodied with vibrant acidity, lovely concentration, and weight. The wine finishes long with a touch of cranberry.

Amisfield Pinot Noir Rosé 750ml

A burst of vibrant summer berries greets the nose, with lively notes of strawberry, pomegranate, and watermelon on the palate. Balanced juicy acidity is complemented by intense flavour while maintaining an elegant delicacy. The finish is zesty, refreshingly dry, and lingers beautifully.

Askerne Sérieux Rosé 750ml

This Rosé is a unique blend of grape varieties; Mainly, Mourvèdre, Malbec, Merlot, and a smaller portion of Cabernet Franc, Carménère and Cabernet Sauvignon. The grapes were direct pressed, with the majority cool fermented in stainless steel tanks using a combination of different aromatic yeast strains. The blend contains a 26% barrel ferment component. The tank component brings bright aromatics, and the barrel component provides volume, texture and added complexity to the final wine. It has a delightfully floral and elegant bouquet with bright aromas of raspberry and wild strawberries. Dry, but beautifully juicy and textural on the palate. It has medium acidity and a wonderfully long finish.

Ata Rangi Rosé 750ml

A wonderful array of aromas; watermelon, baked raspberry, fig and melon with a savoury note of pecorino cheese. This is a dry style Rosé.

Bijou En Mémoire de Sophie Valrose Rosé 750ml

Coteaux Varois en Provence - Grenache, Cinsault, Syrah. This premium Provence rosé is beautifully salmon-coloured, which denotes its light yet complex flavours. The nose has significant depth with intriguing notes of peaches and redcurrant, with a long and balanced finish. This wine is a perfect companion to summer al-fresco dining. It is the ideal partner to for salads, summer barbecues and fresh fruits.

Bla Bla Bla by Josh Scott Natural Rosé 750ml

By Josh Scott Natural is winemaking in its rawest form: wines are dry farmed, with no herbicides or pesticides used during the growing process and no finning or filtration in the making. Gravity and time help with clarification of the wines. This Rose is dry with notes of strawberries and pear - a very quaffable wine.

Black Cottage Rosé 750ml

An attractive, fresh and stylish Pinot Noir dominant rosé, full of Rainier cherry flavours and granite notes. Cranberry, watermelon and sea breeze aromas mingle on the nose. Elegant and well-balanced, this wine shows undertones of tamarillo, honeydew melon, oyster shell and subtle liquorish notes. The finish is clean and dry with a lick of salt.

Château de Berne Emotion Rosé IGP Méditerranée 750ml

Beautifully floral on the nose, a lot of tree blossom, fruit notes like pear and blood orange with subtle notes of fragrant potpourri. Great acidity and a round finish makes this a versatile wine for an aperitif and with first courses including grilled octopus, an ice-cold seafood tower, and all of the flavors of the sea.

Château d'Esclans Whispering Angel Côtes de Provence Rosé 2021 750ml

Made from Grenache, Cinsault and Rolle (Vermentino) grapes, its pale colour is pleasing to the eye and draws one in. The rewarding taste profile is full and lush while being bone dry with a smooth finish. A blend of the best free run juices and press juices, fermented and aged in stainless steel with temperature control.

Château L'escarelle Rumeurs IGP Méditerranée Rosé 750ml

Listen to the small rustling of nature that suggests escape and travel: the murmur of insects, the wind blowing, the streaming of water... All the mysteries of Ecrin de Nature, Unique in Provence, suggested by the pale and brightening pink color of thier Rumeurs Cuvée.

Château Roubine Côtes de Provence La Vie en Rosé 750ml

The nose of this wonderful Côte de Provence shows initially freshly cut grass, flowers petals and light red berry fruits. The mouth is endowed with roundness, finesse with a beautiful, sensual body.

Château Roubine R de Roubine Côtes de Provence Rosé 750ml

This bright, sunny, light-to-medium-bodied, salmon-coloured beauty is an elegantly crisp, refreshing, well-balanced, and deliciously dry Côtes de Provence Rosé.
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