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Darling Cellars Reserve Black Granite Shiraz 750ml

A very big structured wine with good fruit concentration on the palate. This fruit is carried through in a long lingering aftertaste.

De Bortoli Organic Shiraz Field Blend 750ml

Bright crimson red appearance. There are enticing fragrant aromas of red fruits and white pepper on the nose. The palate exudes rich red fruits and blackberry notes. Full and generous structure, refined tannins and a lengthy finish.

De La Terre Syrah 750ml

'De la terre'; literally 'of the earth' is a reference to both the vineyard soils and the earth brick construction used for the winery and cellar door. De La Terre's winemaking methods are largely traditional with emphasis on minimal handling to retain the integrity and concentration of fruit. Food and wine matching is a particular focus; the wine style is designed to provide elegant wines to accompany food.

Duck Duck Goose Shiraz 750ml

Rich blackberry flavours and dark mocha chocolate. The palate is superbly balanced with smooth silky tannins.

Elephant Hill Syrah 750ml

Gorgeously fruited and perfumed with Black Doris plum, spiced cherry, dark olive and smoked game nuances, it's succulent and supple in the mouth delivering excellent fruit purity and silky flow. Finely textured and lingering with a delightfully elegant finish.

Enchanted Tree Shiraz 750ml

A blend of fruit from some of Quarisa's key vineyards in South Australia. Enchanted Tree Shiraz is a medium to full bodied, rich, dark fruited style. The kind of Shiraz that the guy's become famous for!

Farmers & Stockholders McLaren Vale Shiraz 750ml

A gorgeous shiraz, the instantly appealing bouquet shows blackberry, blueberry compote, mocha and cedar characters. This wine is rich and generously loaded with red fruits, black cherry and spice on the palate.

Fox Tales Shiraz 750ml

Bright red fruit aromas of cassis and blueberries with sarsaparilla notes. The palate is full bodied and rich, presenting vibrant plum and cherry flavours, layered with vanilla hints and spicy peppercorn notes.

Frankland Estate Rocky Gully Shiraz 750ml

Bright fresh and lively Shiraz. Ripe fruit overtones with dark cherries with spiced plum, black pepper and spice with subtle integration of oak. A middle-weighted palate with serious intent; bright florals, juicy fruit and a lifted integration of earthy spice note and black pepper. Soft mouth coating tannin, a creamy texture and subtle oak provides a poised, elegant finish. The small additions of Touriga National, Malbec with a dash of Viognier gives complexity and aromatic lift followed with subtle texture. Good acidity and fine tannins combine to create a soft finishing, well weighted cool climate style. Ideal food wine which will complement many dishes including pork, lamb and duck.

Gemtree Dragon's Blood Shiraz 750ml

The Dragon's Blood Shiraz has delightful aromas of red currants and berries with intriguing earthy and spicy notes. It is a rich and full-bodied wine finishing with elegant tannins.

Gemtree Uncut Organic Shiraz 750ml

Uncut Shiraz is generous, layered, bright and textural. The aromas are intense and complex of blueberry, mulberry and spiced vanilla oak. Uncut is a rich and pure Shiraz, the lively fruit flavours are polished and cocooned by natural oak flavours and balanced acidity, all hallmarks of their house Shiraz.

George Wyndham Bin 555 Shiraz 750ml

A classic Australian Shiraz: bold, rich and generous yet beautifully balanced.
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