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Gran Feudo Baluarte Navarra Roble 750ml

This is a is fruity wine, predominantly red fruit aromas and notes of fine wood. The palate is fruity, soft, fresh and with good structure. It is velvety, with a long and pleasant finish.

Grant Burge Chilled Red 750ml

Rich, sweet fruits with an enticing earthy and chocolate background. Great texture and an elegant structure.

Grant Burge Distinction Holy Trinity Grenache Shiraz Mourvèdre 750ml

The nose is awash with earthy notes, warm curry spices, cherry liqueur and juicy plum. The medium-full bodied wine is filled with vibrant flavours of fresh red fruits and vanilla, complemented by fine and ripe tannins that run the length of the palate.

Grill Master Fan Club Grill & Steak Wine Malbec 750ml

A light and up front sweet and juicy Malbec with red berry and plum flavours. Serve with antipasto and tapas or your next barbecue fare.

Guerrieri Rizzardi Munus Rosso Veronese IGT 750ml

Munus is the only red wine cuvee from the Bardolino classico wine area aged in French oak barrels for 12 months. This plus healthy grapes gives this Italian Red Blend greater depth and structure as well as making it fuller in body without losing its identity and balance and signature purity of fruit.

Guerrieri Rizzardi Valpolicella Classico DOP 750ml

A vintage that has produced a refined Valpolicella, very pure, dark berry, plumy fruit with fine grained tannin providing the structure. Medium bodied with some complexity and a long sapid finish.

Hawke's Bay Brewing Co. Red Sangria Bottle 620ml

A blend of our best Hawkes Bay red wine and fruit juices: mandarin, apple and orange zest.

Jam Shed Red Blend 750ml

For well over a century, the Jam Shed played a crucial role in the development of the region through both jam and wine production. This quirky, delicious Jam Shed Red Blend has been inspired by this legacy. This beautiful opulent wine is rich, smooth, Blackberry jam, with balanced soft tannins and a clean finish.

Joseph Drouhin Gevrey-Chambertin Rouge 750ml

Gevrey-Chambertin is a wine with a beautiful, bright ruby colour. Intensely fruity on the nose, the aromas are reminiscent of black cherry, wild blackberry and liquorice. The woody character is subtle and marries delicately with the other aromas. As the wine evolves, there are more complex notes, such as mild spice, nutmeg and leather. Later still, mushroom and damp earth nuances make their appearance. Although present on the palate, tannin is never astringent but blends itself harmoniously with the natural freshness and 'gras' (velvety texture) of the wine. The same aromas encountered earlier on the nose are found again in the aftertaste.

Joseph Drouhin Givry Rouge 750ml

A round and seductive wine, appreciated by all wine connoisseurs. With its lively and bright colour, it has intense fruity aromas reminiscent of gooseberry and black currant, evolving towards spicy nuances as the wine gets older. On the palate, there is a nice balance between texture and finesse, with firm but refined tannins. Long and enticing aftertaste, with flavours of very ripe fruit.

Le Paradou Grenache 750ml

Nose of black and red berries with spicy notes. In the mouth, good concentration, roundness and freshness in the same time. Crunchiness of the grapes, cherry and blackcurrant aromas with hints of pepper.

Leon Perdigal Côtes du Rhône 750ml

The nose has intense aromas of red fruits and spice, with subtle pepper and garrigue notes. The spice-tinged red fruits continue on the palate, which is medium-bodied and has a pleasing length.
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