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Alpha Domus The Wingwalker Viognier 750ml

Named after the brave and daring aerial acrobats of the 1920s, you have to be a little adventurous to try this exotic and enchanting variety, but once you have, you'll be smitten.

Askerne Hawke's Bay Viognier 750ml

Perfumed spice, ginger nut, baked stone fruit, white blossoms and dried apricots aromas fill the bouquet. The palate is rich and full, with wonderful spice and concentrated stone fruit and citrus flavours. Perfectly balanced between acidity, opulence and texture to give a juicy long finish.

Brown Brothers Moscato 750ml

Made in a light refreshing style, and alive with aromas of freshly crushed grapes and musk. In the mouth the wine is alive with a vibrant and mouth-filling fruit flavour. This lively and fresh wine has a mild frizzante bubble on the finish. Best enjoyed chilled.

Brown Brothers Moscato Rosé 750ml

Irresistibly fresh with delicate notes of berry and musk, the sweetness of Moscato Rosé suggests strength in its versatility. Best served chilled, let this bright blushing hue and berry palate transform even the most ordinary moments into celebratory ones.

Château Fontarèche Les Mijanelles Viognier 750ml

Château Fontarèche is one of the oldest estates in Languedoc. The Château is surrounded by 160 hectares of vines which are sustainably farmed. This Viognier has enticing aromas of Apricot, Peach and white flowers. The flavours on the palate are gloriously concentrated, and the wine has a silky texture balanced by a nice acidity.

Elephant Hill Sea Viognier 750ml

Cooling sea breezes, shingle soils and delicate winemaking underlie the elegance and purity Elephant Hill strive for in this Viognier. This wine displays classic stonefruit characteristics of apricot, white peach with floral details and subtle creaminess on the palate.

Floridays Wine Cooler Pinot Gris White Peach Pear 5% Cans 10x250ml

Tastes like sun-soaked shores... Think ripe peach and crisp pear blended with New Zealand Pinot Gris and sparkling water for a seriously refreshing drop.

Floridays Wine Cooler Rosé Watermelon Pink Grapefruit 5% Cans 10x250ml

Tastes like dancing barefoot in the sand... Think crisp watermelon and juicy grapefruit blended with New Zealand wine and sparkling water for the most refreshing drop.

Pask Small Batch Viognier 750ml

Pale gold colour with green hues. Floral aromas with rich white peach and apricot notes. Rich palate with nectarine and apricot, textural mid palate and structured finish. A well balanced wine with weight and freshness.

Wooing Tree Blondie 750ml

This unique Blanc de Noir was made from 100% Pinot noir grapes, grown on our family owned vineyard. Ripe hand picked fruit and gentle winemaking have given a wonderfully balanced wine. The elegant champagne colour resulted from minimal skin contact prior to a gentle whole bunch press. The juice was fermented in stainless steel to retain the varietal and fruit characteristics. The wine shows delightful aromas of pear, stonefruit and pineapple with white peach, apricot and a touch of pink grapefruit on the palate. Best served slightly chilled.
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